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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Poker Competition Results!

I'm up fairly early this morning and the first person to shower so now I can wait for everyone else to shower and spend some more time catching up on me blog!So last night four of us got back soaking wet from a night out at another bar. You know, I'm not a big drinker or anything but it seems I'm out a whole lot more often than I am in Edmonton. I guess its kind of fun to explore the city and hang out with newly met peers.
Anyways, I got to bed around 1am last night and we got up around 8 in an attempt to get to the conference. After looking at the program we decided to skip the invited talk and get breakfast before the first paper talk. The set of games talks were on, which really was the stuff I was particularly interested in at this conference. I would attend several more talks than the previous day - one of the talks was the paper my name appears on. The official title of the paper was "Optimal Unbiased Estimators".

At 2:50pm, the announcement of who won the tournament occurred. The only people who knew who won were Marty and Christian with everyone else being kept in the dark until the announcement. Turns out, we won! We won by all metrics and it appears we got statistical significance in most areas which was pretty nice. I'm looking forward to getting the logs from the match so I can run the DIVAT analysis on them.

I attended another talk after the announcement and before Darse did his analysis of some hands in the match. Turns out one of the biggest things we took advantage of was CMU called down a lot on the river even if it had a bad hand due to some technical reasons. This is a terrible error, and I suspect this is a big reaosn we won.

A group of us headed out afterwards to go see Tomb which is an interactive puzzle sort of adventure. It was really pretty pricey ($16) but a pretty cool concept. Unfortunately, with our group being computer science people, the puzzles were a tad too simple to solve. I would really like to see them have multiple difficulty settings so that we would've had more of a challenge with it.

We had dinner at a steakhouse across from Tomb while we were waiting for our appointment. While being a steakhouse, everyone except Brad avoided the steak, which he said was a good decision. It's kinda funny how Albertans are so used to good beef which means we're pretty judgemental about other beef (particularly worse beef).

We decided to walk back through an area of town we hadn't been in before and passed Fenway park on the way to the Boston common. Fenway is where the Boston Red Sox play. We didn't get to see much besides the outside of the park but that was neat in itself. We walked back to the end of the Boston Common and got on the train back to the Hotel ... where we met up with Nolan, the girls from the previous night, and a couple of guys from Austin, Texas. After a quick shower, I joined them at a restaurant not far from our hotel called LTK (Legal Test Kitchen) which is a pretty neat restaraunt. They had super cheap guiness beer which was pretty awesome ($4.75!) ... though they didn't really know how to pour it properly.

Anyways, we stayed out until after midnight when the restaurant looked like they really wanted to kick us out so we vanished off to our hotel room where I stayed up for awhile catching up with yesterday's blog post.Any now I'm all caught up with my blog posts!



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